Thursday, September 29, 2005


Next Thursday @ 7!! Post what you are going to bring here! Click on the 'comments' link below to add yours.

Emailed September 29

Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner
thursday, October 6 @ 7:00 PM

Before the holiday weekend, we thought we’d get things going by having our own dinner together! It’ll be an informal, fun time of eating and hanging out. Maybe some movie-watching or game-playing. Whatever people would like!

Where: Not quite sure yet – either Monica’s or my house. We’ll let you know. Monica has ping-pong, I have pool…tough call.

What you need to do: First, let me know if you can come or not. Second, let me know what you are bringing to the dinner. We are going to attempt to do this online, on the blog (! I will put a posting up called “Potluck RSVP & Food”. All you have to do is:

  1. Click on the hyperlink “comments” which is at the bottom of the posting.
  2. Type in your RSVP and what you are bringing, if you are coming.
  3. Enter your name and do the word verification (which prevents “spam commenting”).
  4. You’re done! This way, we can see what people are bringing and then not have everyone bring pumpkin pie (although I would probably eat it all…).

If this is really too much for you, you can email me ( and I’ll post it. Try it out though!

The Blog:

Starting an Online Discussion at (You can also get to it from the main page.)
We are all quite busy throughout the week and in scattered places, but with the wonders of technology, I thought it might be fun and beneficial to have some ongoing online discussion. I have started the posting at the website (as above, or just go to the main page and click on Vocation DISCUSS on the side). To add your two (or three) cents, just follow the same procedure as I explained above for the potluck by going to the “comments” section. I have also outlined the process on the DISCUSS blog! Give it a try and hopefully we can have some thought-provoking blogging/commenting/discussing.

Service Ideas or Prayer Needs/Ideas
Got an idea for how we can serve our community or one another? Let me know and I can post it on the Vocation SERVE blog! Some thing goes for prayer. Check back often for updates and the latest.

Vocation FURTHER blog
I’ve added another blog for those interested in further reading of things we might discuss, or just stuff that I think might be relevant for you! If you have any suggestions, let me know and I can post it. (

Looking Ahead:

  • Thursday, October 6, 2005 @ 7:00 pm – Thanksgiving Potluck. RSVP!
  • Sunday, October 16, 2005 – next group meeting
  • Sunday, October 30, 2005 – next next group meeting.

That’s it, sorry this is so long!! All blogs can be accessed through I’ll be adding stuff on it about small groups, please check back soon.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Sunday, September 25, 2005 @ 1:30 PM

I hope everything is going well! Right about now I’m knee deep in the Greek alphabet…good times.
Here are the details for our next meeting on Sunday, September 25 @ 1:30 p.m.
We’ll be meeting at Monica’s house, and here are the directions:
Monica’s address is 58 Stuart Avenue (not Crescent) and her postal code is M2N 1B3 for any Mapquesters. She lives very close to Yonge & Sheppard. If you are coming from Yonge & 401:
Head north on Yonge Street
· Turn RIGHT onto Florence
· Turn LEFT onto Radine (this is key)
· Go through a bunch of stop signs
· Turn LEFT onto Stuart Avenue and Mon is #58
If you need more clarification or are coming from elsewhere, just email me.
We won’t be having lunch this time around, but if you are able to bring a snack of some sort, please let me know. I’m away until Saturday evening, otherwise I would do it! If people are interested in going out for lunch after church, we can figure that out on Sunday as well.
We are going to be talking about our perceptions of God. Who is God to you? Can you describe Jesus and your experience of him without using “Christianese”? What are some of those phrases or words we use to describe God that just don’t have any real meaning to you? Why don’t they have any real meaning? …just some questions to think about!
ARGOS GAME: I know a few people were interested in the game. If you are still interested, Monica might be able to get you tickets (for just $18!). Email her at
HOCKEY IS BACK: The first Leafs home game for Hockey Night in Canada is on Saturday, October 8. Would anyone be interested in/able to host a get-together to usher in the new season. Leafs fans unite!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Go Leafs Go!

The first broadcast of CBC's Hockey Night in Canada will be on Saturday, October 8th!! I know lots of you are devoted Leafs fans, so let's make a night of it. Does anyone have a big screen TV? And is willing to have people over? Let me know via email.

Any ideas to make the night fun are welcome. We'll of course watch the game and do whatever else people would like!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Emailed September 14

Firstly, thanks to Andrew and Michelle for hosting the group on Sunday and feeding us so well! (And how about those brownies and cookies Meagan made…) We started the ‘series’ “Putting the Pieces Together” by talking about the importance of being formed by truth and not allowing distortions and our own worldview to dominate our beliefs and actions.

Looking ahead…
ARGOS GAME: We have double the reason to go to the Argos game on Wednesday, September 28 @ 7:30 because not only is Chris the mascot, but Monica is playing ultimate at half-time! So, Monica can get us a group rate for tickets, which will be $18.25. In order to get that deal, please email Monica by Friday at

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY: Anna has contacted the coordinator and it looks like we can help with a weekend build at some point in January. However, they strongly encouraged us to raise money for the build, 100% of which goes towards materials, etc. So, start thinking of some ideas to raise money! You can reach Anna via email at with your ideas/interest.

OUR NEXT MEETING: We will be meeting again on Sunday, September 25 in the afternoon to talk about what we think of God, what we should think of God and why the two often don’t coincide! More details will follow early next week in terms of location, food, etc.

WEBSITE: Please continue to check in with the website regularly for service opportunities, etc. There is an opportunity with Youth Outreach run by Scott Guthrie (see the Service blog). The address is -- there are three parts to the site. The main one is for events as well as putting up these emails. A second one is for service opportunities. A third one is for prayer. If you have any further ideas or want me to post something, please just reply to this email.

Have a great rest of the week!

Monday, September 05, 2005

Sunday, September 11, 2005 @ 1:30 PM

Happy Labour Day! Here’s the latest info for this week’s Vocation meeting:
Restoring our images of God, ourselves and the church
Vocation: Sunday, September 11, 2005 1:30 PM

I hope everyone had an enjoyable long weekend and is ready to go for the fall. We are going to have a barbeque this Sunday at Andrew and Michelle Tursa Little’s (Is that how I should write it Michelle?).

We’re going to start a series looking at how we view God, ourselves and the church. We’ll look at building a solid foundation of truth upon and within which we can discover our calling and passions. Monica and I look forward to growing together with you all.

So, here are the details for Sunday from Michelle:
Food: Andrew & Michelle will bbq, please bring drinks, salad, or dessert!
Address: We're at Victoria Park and Eglinton, the address is 31 Tisdale Ave, North York, M4A 1Y5.
South on DVP to Eglinton East
East to Jonesville (small street on right, starting up the hill, just after the last car dealership)
Right on Jonesville, quick left onto Tisdale
Pass Bartley (stop sign)
1st house on the left, side door.
RSVP: just respond to me so that we know how much food to get. Thanks!

There has been lots of interest in the Habitat for Humanity opportunity ( - please contact me if you haven’t and are interested and more info will be coming soon.

Thursday, September 01, 2005


The fall is fast approaching and it’s time to get the ball rolling with Vocation. This email will cover a few items of interest/information. I’m late for heading to Ottawa, so I’ll make it as concise and non-verbose as possible! (I think I’m being verbose simply by writing that I won’t be verbose…)

Next Meeting: Sunday, September 11, 2005 – we’ll be sharing some food (BBQ) at Andrew and Michelle’s place followed by some fun/fellowship/discussion. I’ll send out details early next week. Please book the date though!

Bible Studies: We are going to continue meeting bi-weekly as an entire group, and it would be great for those interested to start some small group studies. If you are interested in leading or joining a small group, please let me know and Monica and I can help you out. I would love some people from the group to lead a study, so pray about it and contact me or Mon. We have lots of ideas/material to support you.

There are three blogs: one is for event information, one for service opportunities, and one for prayer. Check it out for the latest and come back often! If you ever want to post anything, just email me and I can do that.

Other upcoming events/opportunities:
Argos game! See BELOW for information! Please let me know by Septebmer 11 if you are interested in coming to cheer on our dear Chris Boyd as the Argos mascot!
Toronto Habitat for Humanity! Also on the SERVICE blog…If you are interested, email me and we can look into organizing a volunteer day to help support this organization.
Do you have any wonderful ideas for fun events, service opportunities or prayer needs?! Your ideas, feedback, criticism, encouragement, whatever is always welcomed…

Okay, I think that’s it for now.

Be risky! (Take care is so boring…)
Scott & Monica