Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Sunday, October 30 Meeting

We'll be meeting at 1:30 pm at Scott's house (Bayview and Finch)! See you there! If you didn't get the email, let me know. (scottgmoore@mac.com)


Here it is, what you've all been waiting for...Small groups are an important part of creating community. They provide a place for support, learning, listening. Many of you in feedback to me have said you were interested in a small group, so we've got a few options for you. If these don't fit what you are looking for, then talk to me and I'll help you create one that suits your needs! Here they are in no particular order, based on who will be facilitating the group:
"A small core group of people coming together with different backgrounds and experiences with church. We'll be dialoguing about those experiences, hanging out just as a group of friends, getting into some discussion about issues around faith and walking in life together."
Some of the discussions will be based on the book on the right, Velvet Elvis. Click here for some info about it.

BECKI LEE: email her

Similar in spirit to Andrea's group, Becki is going to lead a group going through a book called, "12 'Christian Beliefs' that will drive you crazy". It discusses a lot of common misconceptions that we often believe to be 'truths'. We will share our experiences, frustrations and sort out what really is and isn't 'Christian'. Click here for some details on the book.

SCOTT MOORE: email me

I'll be forming a group that will be journeying together through the book of John. It's my hope that through this we will encounter Jesus as he was in his world and learn who he is to us in our world.
We will be using "Drawn into the Mystery of Jesus through the Gospel of John" to guide us. Check it out here.

Nothing quite fitting? Want to form a core group of your own? Just let me (Scott) know!

If you'd like to join one of the above groups, or form your own, email me (Scott Moore) or the respective leader! We can also talk about these on Sunday, or anytime.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

New Logo!

Thanks to Janice for creating a new logo for the group! If anyone else has something they'd like to design, that would be great too.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Sunday October 12 @ 1:30 PM -- FOOD RUN

It’s time to connect our brains to our hearts and hands. We are going to help restock Spring Garden’s community food cupboard and have a little fun at the same time!

Meeting place: Monica’s house @ 58 Stuart Avenue (M2N 1B3 – email me at scottgmoore@mac.com if you need directions)

The plan: Bring between $10-20 of that money you don’t have (or whatever you are able to bring) and we will pool our resources and divide into teams. If you have a car, let me know if you don’t mind driving a team to the grocery store. After the food run, we’ll reconvene at Monica’s house to hang out for a bit as our schedules permit!