Tuesday, January 17, 2006


After the long-haul of LifeKeys, we are going to have some fun next time we meet on a Sunday afternoon. Who's up for some 10-pin bowling? Grab a little lunch and then hit the lanes. Best bowling outfit wins a prize, so let's see what you can do. Details to follow. Please indicate your interest by commenting on this posting!

Meeting January 22 2006

Our final day of LifeKeys! Our very own Becki Lee will be teaching us about Passions (healthy ones that is). Scott's house at 1:30.

Whoa, Long Absence. Sorry.

Sorry for such a long absence in posting. I'm sure you are all sorely disappointed and have been checking back regularly (yeah...right)...hopefully this is of some use to someone out there!
If you have anything you would like posted, please email me.