Wednesday, September 20, 2006

What is Vocation going to look like this year?

We're not exactly sure!! But we believe God is leading us in a different direction than our previous structure (bi-weekly whole group meetings essentially). Vocation will continue to be the same community, but it will just look different, becoming an interconnected network of small groups:
  • TILT will be the backbone large community for Vocation. Most of us already attend TILT, and I encourage everyone to check it out. If it doesn't suit you, or you prefer Spring Garden in the morning, or you go to another church, that is totally fine. You will still be connected just the same.
  • Small groups [3-7 people] will be the core of Vocation. These groups will go further in-depth into what we are experiencing at TILT. Don't go to TILT? We will post the message, handouts, resources, pictures and additional discussion questions. The key is living life together as part of a group of spiritual friends. One person will co-ordinate the group, but anyone can lead any given week.
  • Vocation as a group will have consistent and regular missional activities in which we venture into the community to serve and befriend our neighbours. We're hoping to have a regular monthly commitment structured, as well as sporadic events throughout the year. Whenever we gather for these missional activities, there will be plenty of opportunity for social activities (meals, etc.).

I'm already in a small group. Sweet! We would encourage you to check in with a Vocation small group as well, since we will be diving deeper into what is happening at TILT and sharing in serving our community together.
Can I just do the missional stuff? Of course.
Is this really a community still? We believe this structure suits the reality of our lifestyle as students and people beginning careers. We are busy, and spread around the city. The small groups will be made to fit your schedule (ideally!) and reduce the burden on Sundays of having a group meeting and also church. Instead, we will commune within TILT (and the mornings too for some of us!) and within small groups, all connected by regular missional service.

Vocation Resumes!

Click on the picture for an enlarged version.